Stepping down as Secretary
With a final flourish of the pen, the draft minutes of our AGM held on Sunday, March 15th this year were completed and our Hon. Secretary, Sheila Rapley had duly completed her last task before handing over to Fiona Jackman, our newly appointed Hon. Secretary for the Guild.
Sheila took over the role from Jack Morris and as one committee member said “she has kept us on the straight and narrow for many years.”
At the end of the AGM, our Chair, Geoff Peach presented Sheila with a crystal vase, an engraved plinth for it to stand on and a lovely bouquet of flowers. Diana had made a special cake for her as well and in true tradition we finished the meeting with a celebration cuppa and a slice of cake.
Sheila has not left us completely; she is staying on with the Guild as a committee member for the foreseeable future.